It does a missionary momma’s heart good to hear their awesome, amazing, dearly missed daughter doing so well!! Can you just hear the excitement in her voice as you read the email?! As hard as it is to let go, and believe me THAT is the hardest thing I have done thus far in my life, it is amazing to see Hermana Brightman’s growth and enthusiasm!! The pictures are the cherry on top!!
Jumping for the joy of the gospel!! |
Her name tag. She calls it her prize possesion |
Hermanas Cloward and Brightman...Can you see all the impishness these two will get into?? |
Este semana fue un poco loco. Primero---Ana? Nuestra
investigadora? Ella es ahora nuestra maestra. Despues de cinco lecciones (y el
compromiso de sera bautizado) sabemos que no tiene los lecciones con ella otra
vez. Porque eso dice nuestros maestros, Hno Silva y Hno Martinez, pero el
proximo dia, Hno Martinez dice "There's going to be another teacher in
here with me evening. Una hermana". Entonces, estamos como
"...que?" è This week was a little
crazy. First – Ana, our new investigator.. She is now our new teacher. After 5
discussions (and the baptismal challenge) we found out we would not be having
discussions with her again. That’s what our teachers, Brother Silva and Brother
Martinez said. But the next day, Brother Martinez said “There’s going to be
another teacher in here with me this evening. A sister.” Then, we were like
“what?” because we’d heard rumors that the investigator …
porque we'd heard rumors that the investigator would
become a teacher, pero no creemos. èbut we didn’t believe it. However, when he got done
saying that and the door opened, in walked Hermana Resendiz. AKA Ana. We were
all quite surprised (and un poco embarassed because she DOES speak English and
so she understood everything we said when we would whisper "como se dice....?"
"no se" and have to find different words). Esta bien though because
she's awesome and we love her. "Ana" was actually based off of one of
HER investigators in Chile (Santiago East Mission) and so we got to see
pictures and hear stories about the REAL Ana. We were also really glad that our
goodbye to her wasn't as permanent as we thought it would be.
Last Tuesday we had a devotional from our area 70, Elder
Villalobos, and it was incredibly poderoso. The Lord says countless times
"I am the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, the God of Jacob, the God of
Joseph. He says that because of their faith in Him. Would He be proud to say
the same of us? Is our faith sufficient for our works?
It is so important to be exactly obedient. The children
of Israel, after the death of Moses, were walking to the Promised Land and they
would write king after king and say "we are going to walk straight to our
destination. We will not turn to the right nor to the left. May we pass through
your land?" and king after king would say no and send armies out to meet them.
But as they stayed true to that and did not turn to the right nor to the left,
they were aided by God.
Our district has the strangest, most random
conversations. It is ridiculous and hilarious. For example, one day we had a
conversation about essential oils....which led to a conversation where we
learned that there's a good chance Elder Richins was at a Christmas party with
Mom's dentist. Random but true. Another happened just last night. It started
out with irrational fears, and then went to Bigfoot and Cain, and then the
flood, and then Aliens. I love how we have silly random conversations and can
also be super spiritual together.
We listened to a devotional Sunday night by Elder David A
Bednar about the Character of Christ. It was a Christmas Devotional at the
Provo MTC and I would LOVE if you all would go look it up because I want to
share so much form it that there's no way I'd be able to cover it all. But it's
wonderful. And I learned a lot. So go look it up :)
I got super cold here this week so I ended up buying a
hoodie from the tienda for at night and gym time. It has been so beneficial. I
also bought a new waterbottle because my other one broke. We played volleyball
as a district today con Hna Resendiz and it was super fun! But Hnas Fish and
Schreiner left before Hna Cloward y I and so we got locked out of our casa
because they were the ones with the key! We found some other girls from our
casa though, and got in.
Also, the four of us are singing in choir at devo
tonight! We´re singing "Come Follow Me" ("Vendid a Mi" en
Our classes are great. We spend 3 hours in the morning
learning Spanish, learning how to teach by the spirit, and then having our
teachers (who are also our investigators) coach us on what we could improve in
our lessons, etc. then we spend another 3 hours in the evening doing the same.
Every evening we have an hour to use a language software called
"TALL". It hasn’t been able to connect to the server at BYU for the
last few days though and so we had "district home evening" last night
My goal is to read all of El Libro de Mormon en español
antes del 16 de marzo, when we leave for Texas. Tambien tenemos las metas de
escrituras, palabras, frases, y de hablar. For the other hermanas and I, one of
our goals for speaking is solo español during gym time. es MUY divertido porque
jugamos mucho de "fusbol" y we get SUPER into it. We start shouting
in spanish, name our players, and laugh a LOT! My fusbol skills are still
pretty non existant but I'm going to be so much better at fusbol, pingpong,
volleyball, and basketball when i get back!
There's so much more I want to say but I{m almost out of
time so I{ll close with the story behind the title.
Hno Martinez LOVES stories and parables. He told us a few
this week. One was about our potential as missionaries in comparison to a Ford
Mustang. If a Supercharge was painted pink and covered with Hello Kitty and
never drove over 10 kph, it would feel like it wasn’t living up to its
potential at all and would spend its life questioning itself. If it was painted
with flames and sped down a stretch of road at 120 kph, it would know that was
what it was made for. We need to be the flame-painted Supercharge. Not the
Hello Kitty one.
The other was a fable about a skinny cat and a fat cat.
The skinny cat was afraid he was going to die, so he asked his cousin, the fat
cat, how he was getting so much food. Fat cat showed him. he put his mouth by
the mouse hole and barked. He stepped back and a mouse confidently walked out
because he thought, since he heard a dog, there was no cat around. Fat cat ate
him and showed his cousin (and us) the importance of being bilingual. ;)
That's all for this week!
Con Amor,
Hermana Brightman
Some pictures from last
Hermanas at the SLC airport |
Hermana Brightman with her plane buddy Hermana Bess |
Getting ready to board the bus from Mexico City airport on her quest to the CCM |
The whole gang on the bus |
Her companion Hermana Cloward |
District Volleyball
Life in the CCM
Hermanas of 14 A |
Hna Cloward using the washboard. |
What?! The shortest one...who would have guessed? HaHaHa! |
Love her so much!!! |
District Hermanas |
Hermana Schreiner (one of the Hnas from her district) |
Hermana Fish (from her district) and Hermana Resindiz (AKA Ana) |
Her district Hermanas |
She got her care package from Missionary Package Mexico! Makes momma happy to see her enjoying her favorite! |
a mural she likes |
Model of CCM |
14 C left this Hermana Brigthman's group aren't the greenies (new missionaries- for those who do not know the term).
Hermana Brightman loving life!!
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