My comments this week are more about the story you are
about to hear told by Hermana Brightman. In our “underground
network” we call Texas
Dallas Mission Moms, we have been able to piece together a
full account of what transpired last Friday.
car through the front of the church |
Driving lesson gone bad |
First, I was on fb and came across this picture. Whoa!
I thought, that is a sight you don’t see everyday…then I read where this occurred,
the Plano building where my sweet Hermana Brightman
attends meetings. Okay, heart attack time. Then I read a post from a momma
who is in the same area, the report, no one was seriously injured (what?! Did
you see
that car??) So, breathe a sigh of relief. Then
in email Monday I find their district (a small group of missionaries in the
same general area) was there for a meeting at the time! Tender mercies!! I will add more
information after the email.
Hermana Brightman’s email from 4 May 2015
Hey Everybody!!!
So after seeing Hermana Fish's mom post her "Day
in the life" email, Mom requested that I do something similar.
So here's a typical over view of what Hermana Pollock
and do from day to day.
6:20 am- Wake up, pray, and get ready to work out
6:30 am- Work out, either in the gym at our apartment
complex or for a walk around the park across the street
7 am- Come back, eat breakfast, and get ready
8 am- Personal study, preparing our minds for what our
investigators, members, and contacts need
9 am- Companion study-- role plays and lesson plans.
10 am- Language study (or Wed and Fridays teaching
english class)
11 am- 12 week new missionary training
12 pm- lunch
1-5 pm- proselyting, teaching lessons, visiting less
active members, contacting
5 pm- Dinner with a member
6-9 pm- proselyting, teaching lessons, visiting less
active members, contacting
9 pm- Back to the apartment and plan for the next day
9:30 pm- get ready for bed
10:30 pm- lights out
But this was not a typical week.
For example, we taught the plano first ward young women
in a mini MTC with Sister Taylor. That was SO much fun!
And then on Friday, when we were having district
meeting, a car crashed into the church. Yep. Through the double glass doors. We
were standing up at the front of the primary room and heard the tires squeal,
saw the glass fly, heard the crash and felt the building shake. Nobody was hurt
more than just a couple scratches and an ambulance, a firetruck, 4 cop cars, a
tow truck, and 3 hours later the glass was all cleaned up and we headed back
out to teach.
Other than that, the week was pretty uneventful. Oh!
And the person that crashed was a less active who ended up coming back to
church on sunday. Something that could have been a tragedy turned into a
manifestation of the hand of God and something that changed at least one life!
.....yep... that's pretty much it for this week, folks!
Con Amor,
Hermana Brightman
So her companion shared the story with a few more
details included, but the same feeling of being genuinely happy they were there
to help. That is my sweet Hermana Boo Brightman!
She has the biggest heart of anyone I have ever known.
She is an amazing person!!
Hermana Pollock standing against the wall of the room where they were meeting. |
Glass down one of the hallways |
The boarded up door after clean up. |
Story from Hermana Pollock (Hermana
Brightman’s companion)
“We were there!!!!! We were in the building having our
weekly District Meeting, we had JUST started. We had done the opening song,
said the prayer and Hermana Brightman and I were standing up in front to start
an activity were we report on our area's progress when BLAST! We see glass fly
down the hallway through the doorway we were facing and feel the whole building
shake. Smoke is in the building, glass is everywhere and a white Toyota is
halfway in the building! We were having the meeting in the Primary room and the
car flew through the glass doors between our room and the Relief Society room.
SO CLOSE! But there was a cinderblock church wall between us and it. So the
story is that a young adult member of the Chinese group was teaching his mom
how to drive in the parking lot. She rounded a corner and he told her to brake,
but instead of braking she punched the gas and flew up, over the handicap
parking sign, barely missed a huge tree and smashed through the door! Crazy
stuff...the Elders and us went running out into the hallway, saw we had to exit
the other side, ran around the building and quickly ran to see if they were ok.
We called 911 and Elder Cheatham and McBride kept talking to them, making sure
they could feel extremities and were conscious. The operator gave us permission
to get them out of the car so we did, making sure they put it in neutral and
turned it off first. About 4 Police cars, a fire truck and an ambulance showed
up shortly to the scene and talked with the boy, he translated for his mom.
They declined going to the hospital , they only had minor cuts on their faces
and sore necks from the airbags that deployed. We waited for the stake
presidency and the branch president to show up, and then we helped clean up all
the glass and mess inside the church, before they started taking out the door
frame and boarding it up. We cleaned for 3 hours, finding glass shards that had
shot down all 3 hallways over 50 feet! We vacuumed probably 3-4 times over! But
everyone (the building managers) were SO thankful we were there and had been
there when it happened. The craziest part about all this is that we WEREN'T
going to be there...we had planned to have the meeting 2 days before, but
because of their lack of miles to come down to Plano, our district leader Elder
Evans and his companion Elder McBride asked if we could move it Friday. Divine
intervention that some of the Lord's servants were in his house when more of
his children needed them to be there. There was NO ONE else at the building
that day... they could not have gotten out of the car by themselves and shortly
after getting out, the son's phone completely died! They couldn't have even
called 911... it was a miracle! So that's my story of the time a car crashed
into a church building on my mission!”
And on P-day, they got some time to relax at top golf!
Fun times! |